Save A Day Within A Week

Hi Deears,

We all want to save time. We all want to enjoy a 'me' time on the weekend without thinking about any unfinished work. Sometimes, although we have tried hard to organize our activities, we are still juggling a bunch of tasks. You are trying to find the solutions by reading many articles on the internet, but still, at the end of the week, you have some unfinished tasks. So, what's the best way to solve this problem? It starts from yourselves, your motivation to apply the theory you have read instead of just reading and only reading it.  

1. Schedule the Same Task in the Same Order/Time EVERY DAY

If you usually make a to-do list, that's a good start. Now, try to change the order of your to-do list. Every day, try to do the same task or the same routine. For example, as a teacher for sure, you need to sort out the students' assignment to find who have not submitted yet. Try to put this in the same schedule everyday, for example at 1 - 2 pm. So, you will have a clear expectation as well that you know you should do it in a time scheduled.  

2. Make A 'To Do' List for A Day and a Weekly Planner

If you are struggling in choosing which task needs to be done, it's better for you to make a list and set it based on the priority. Making a weekly plan also will be so helpful since you will see clearly how many goals you have in a week and how many you can finish in a day. Make the planner in a format suitable for you. Find the best one from the application in the internet.

3. Find Your Best Time

It's only ourselves know better whether we are a morning person or a night person. So, before you make the schedule, try to think in which time you perform best. Figure out when you are most creative during the day. 

4. Stop Procrastinate. Stick to Your Own Schedule.

This is the biggest problem that I have noticed from the people who are whining about the overloaded tasks they have. This won't be happen if you stick to the schedule you have made. That's why as I mention previously, the succeed of saving a day within a week starts from your motivation. Once you procrastinate, it will be a habit. 

5. Enjoy Your Free Day Away From Work.

When you do not owe anything from your list, it means you can enjoy a day free from any tasks. Congratulations! Use it wisely, do not ever touch anything about your work during this day. Do something that will energize you to welcome another busy working days.

Good Luck!

